V9 Circulation - Bulk Loans
Using bulk loans within Accessit is a great way to track large numbers of books going out to a large group of people. Because you have the borrowing information all in one place, you can easily track who has returned/checked in books, or control what date they should be returned/checked in, and you can add new borrowers/patrons to your bulk loans at any time. Bulk Loans can be set up from the Copy list in My Catalogue/Catalog or the Borrowers/Patrons screen.
Go to Cataloguing/Cataloging > My Catalogue/Catalog – Search for the Resource record of the book.
Select the row by clicking on Actions > Select/Omit > Select rows (Ctrl+T). Click on Show copies.
Select the number of copies that you need for the Bulk Loan. Go to Actions > Create a bulk loan.

Set the due date. The following message will display. Click OK.
Go to Circulation > Bulk Loans. You will see the Title listed.
Click on the row to open the loan.
Scan the borrower/patron number and scan the copy number to issue/check out the copies > OK
From here it is easy to manage the loan. You can return/check in just some of the copies, change the due date for them all, or add extra borrowers/patrons to the loan if necessary.
To return/check in the copies – toggle the copies that you wish to return and click Return/Check in Selected.
From the Borrowers/Patrons screen
Go to Borrowers/Patrons > Borrowers/Patrons and find the class or list of borrowers/patrons that you need.
Click Actions > Select/Omit > Select All (Ctrl+A).
Then click Actions > Create a bulk loan.
Enter the barcode of one of the books to be issued/checked out to find the resource.
Enter Due Date
Enter Description: You may want to specify who the bulk loan is for.
Click on Scan Copies.
Scan the copy barcode numbers – these will be assigned to each borrower/patron in the list.
Go to Circulation > Bulk Loans to manage the bulk loan. Note that you can print a list of your bulk loans at any time from here.
To return/check in the copies – toggle the copies that you wish to return and click Return/Check In Selected.
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