New Features Summary 9.2.9

New Features Summary 9.2.9

Management App 

New: Option to change letter measurements  

The ability to switch between metric & imperial measurement systems has been added for Correspondence editor and Advanced labels. This can be changed in Library Setup > Campus Setup > Report Preferences > select your preferred measurement system from the dropdown. 



New: US Shortcuts for issues and returns 

For US sites who have US English set as their default language, new shortcuts have been added to go straight to Check-out and Check-in. 


Check-out Ctrl+O 

Check-in Ctrl+I 


Note: This is applied by default to US sites, not via changes made in Functional Settings > Language and Font settings. 

New: Quick return to last 10 lists used  

If enabled for your User, Accessit will save the last 10 catalogue or borrower lists that you have been working with, once you exit the list. When a list has been saved, an icon will display in the top right corner of your open list screen. 

Note: The ‘default’ list that appears when you first open the catalogue or borrower/patron list will not be saved, nor will lists in Write Offs, Overdues or Search Loans.

Clicking on the icon will bring up the list of the last 10 most recently used lists, hovering on a list will display information on the search or action taken to generate that list so you can identify the correct list to bring up. 


Clicking on a list will bring up that list of books and remove it with the original time stamp from the saved list. Exiting the list again will save it (with any additions or deletions) and the latest time stamp. 


To enable this feature for a User, go to Library Setup > User Settings > highlight the User on the left that you wish to enable this for > expand Advanced Settings on the right and tick the checkbox Record last 10 lists. 

Note: This must be done for every User you wish to enable this feature for and lists cannot be shared between Users. 



Report Changes 

There is a new report for library usage by classification/call number. This will report on the issues/check-outs from your chosen collections grouped by the classification/call number prefix.  

Note: The prefix is considered to be anything before a space or, if there is no space, the whole classification/call number. In the case of numbers it gets put into hundred’s groupings. 



The overview reports have been moved to sit in Reports & Statistics > Usage Reports with all other reports. Active/inactive reports have been renamed as cohort comparison and cohort tracking and can be found in Usage reports. To generate a report for each group selected, as well as an overall overview, tick the checkbox Print tables for individual groups. 


Web App 

New: Dynamic Web App Dashboard Content 

For schools who don’t have the time to create news items and update them regularly on their Web Apps, there is now a setting that will put content on your dashboard for you. This will be done where the setting is turned on and there are less than 10 news items on the dashboard. 

Up to 20 news items are auto generated (including the original number custom created by the librarian) and refreshed on a weekly basis, based on the most popular resources and/or the most recent resources according to publication date. 


To turn this on for your Web App, go to Library Setup > Campus Setup > Web App Settings > Dynamic Dashboard Content > check the box Create news items dynamically. 


Note: News items can be removed by clicking Remove dynamically created news items. 

Advanced Search URL Generator 

As well as being able to generate a general search box to embed into another site such as LibGuides, we have added an additional widget generator to craft special URLs which perform specific advanced searches in the Web App. 

Go to Library Setup > Campus Setup > Web App Settings > Widget Generators > enter your search criteria. You can copy the link to put into a News Item, place on another page or email out. 



Note: Organisations using SSO will have to be signed into the Web App first before the link will return results.  

More skip links have been added to the Web App, shown when borrowers are using 'tab' to navigate through the Web App's elements. 


News Item editor upgrade 

Improvements have been made to the editing interface when working on news items in the Web App, along with improvements in the handling of images that are too large for the unit width of the news item. These images will be automatically downsized to fit. 

Note: Images that are small for the news item will not be resized. 

When editing a news item, you now have a new ‘template’ option which gives you a choice of three different inbuilt templates of image, text or table arrangements. Select the appropriate arrangement and then add your content. It is not necessary to select a template if you do not see a suitable one; you can continue to add content to a news item ‘freestyle’. 



MackinVIA One search provider 

MackinVIA is available as a Onesearch provider. If you subscribe to MackinVia you can add this as a Onesearch provider by going to Library Setup > Campus Setup > Onesearch. Click on Add Predefined > select MackinVIA from the list > add your credentials, including your MackinVIA school id, username and password > OK. 



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