Recent Articles
New Features Summary 9.2.9
Management App New: Option to change letter measurements The ability to switch between metric & imperial measurement systems has been added for Correspondence editor and Advanced labels. This can be changed in Library Setup > Campus Setup > Report ...
Mac OS - Generate Lets Encrypt SSL Certificate
This is a guide on setting up free SSL certificate for Accessit Web App using Let’s Encrypt on Mac Servers. Generated certificates will also renew automatically. Requirements: Accessit Web App must be available from the internet on port 80. ...
Windows - Generate Lets Encrypt SSL Certificate
This is a guide on setting up free SSL certificate for Accessit Web App using Let’s Encrypt on Windows Servers. Generated certificates will also renew automatically. Requirements: Accessit Web App must be available from the internet on port 80. ...
V9 Circulation - Bulk Loans
Using bulk loans within Accessit is a great way to track large numbers of books going out to a large group of people. Because you have the borrowing information all in one place, you can easily track who has returned/checked in books, or control what ...
V9 Moving Servers - Mac Firebird SQL
Here is a quick guide on how to move Accessit Library from one Firebird SQL server to another (presumably newer) Firebird SQL MacOS Server. Prior to the server migration, first update the Access-It Management App to the latest build. You can download ...